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Band Bio

Bandet er startet i 2015 af Omar Alabed i Hobro, Nordjylland, Danmark.
I starten var bandet et koncept-baseret band og sange som “March/Death For Pride”, “War Memories”, “Blasted Hope” og “Clown” blev skabt som en del af bandets debut koncept-album. Disse sange blev skrevet af Omar og tidligere lead-guitarist Klaus Tougård.
I 2017 begyndte medlemmerne dog at gå til og fra projektet og Omar teamede op med Tobias Nørholm for et mere fokuseret projekt.
Bandet hed dengang også Tease The Demon men var under vurdering. Tobias fik hurtigt en fælles ven, Mads Buur ind i projektet og de 4 begyndte at forme på de mange idéer bandet tidligere havde formet.
Igennem 2018-19 blev en del jams til reelle sange som blev intenst øvet i øvelokalet.
Tobias overtog manager rollen og begyndte at arbejde og forme materiale til en evt. fuld CD.
I første omgang var planen at lave en demo cd kaldet “DEMOns” med 3 numre; “Smash Time”, “Dead Flowers” og “Clown”.
Demoerne blev indspillet igennem en gammel 16Kanals mixer med output direkte ind i en computer og giver en rå følelse af hvordan øvelokalet lød. Dette fik dog flere bassister til øvelokalet, og efter noget søgen gik bandet sammen med K.H.K.
Med håb på noget større, kontaktede bandet Marco Angioni, fra ‘Angioni Studios’ (tidligere “Death Island Studios”) og gik med til en aftale om en 2 uger lang studio session.
Få timer før bandet gik i studiet sluttede alt kontakt dog mellem Lead-guitaristen Klaus og bandet og de stod nu med et album der skulle til at indspilles, hvoraf en af de vigtigste roller lige var gået fra projektet.
Bandet gik i studie, fik indspillet trommer og rytme guitare samt enkelte vokaler da bassen skulle indspilles, men også bassisten så sig nødsaget til at efterlade projektet.
Med Marco ved roret fik han frempresset de sidste vigtige dele til sangene, og en ny Lead-guitarist; Louis Valesquez, blev hyret indt til at færdiggøre de manglende soloer.
I løbet af foråret 2020 blev de sidste leads indspillet og masteret ind i albummet, og bandet var klar med deres debut album.
En titel manglede, og med alt det der var sket fra start til slut, blev alle enige om at “A series of Unfortunate Events” var en passende titel, til et album med så mange bump på vejen.
Stefan Skjoedt blev hyret ind som grafiker til Artwork og en plan for udgivelse og promotion gik i gang.
Kort tid efter kontaktede Mads en bekendt der hed Jérémie Protain som skulle slutte sig til bandet på bas. Jérémie var den første til at booke det tidligere line-up til et show hvor bandet headlinede med bandet ‘Red Warszawa’ som opvarmning.
I efteråret 2020 var Tease The Demon med på en kort turné sammen med de samme gamle gutter fra Red Warszawa.
I slutningen af året, 24. Dec, udgav bandet “A Series Of Unfortunate Events” på diverse streaming tjenester.

The band were started by Omar Alabed, in 2015, Hobro, Northen Jutland, Denmark.
In the beginning, the band was a concept based band, and songs like: “March/Death For Pride”, “War Memories”, “Blasted Hope” and “Clown” were created as a part of the bands debut concept-album.
Those songs were created by Omar and former Lead-guitarist Klaus Tougård.
In 2017 former members started to wander off from the project and Omar teamed up with Tobias Nørholm for a more focused project.
The band was also named “Tease the Demon” back then, but was under vote for a change.
Tobias quickly got a mutual friend, Mads Buur, on the project as vocalist, and the 4 of them started to shape the many ideas the band had created.
From 2018, through 2019, a lot of jams became som real songs and those were intensily practiced.
Tobias started taking over the manager role for the band, and started to develop some material for a full lenght CD.
At first they planned on making a demo called “DEMOns” with 3 tracks; “Smash Time”, “Dead Flowers” og “Clown”.
The demos were recorded through and old 16 track mixer, with the output going straight to the computer, so the raw feeling of the practice room was present.
But this made a lot of bassist try-out and come to the practice room, which eventually lead to the partnership with K.H.K.
With a hope of something bigger, the band contacted Marco Angioni, from ‘Angioni Studios’ (former “Death Island Studios”) and made a deal on a 2 week studio session.
but few hours before the band went to the studio, the contact between the Lead Guitarist, klaus, and the band ended, and they now had an album they had to record, where one of the most important roles just left.
The band went to the studio, put down drums and rythm guitars plus a little vocals, when the bass had to start he also had to leave the project.
With Marco in charge, he pressed everything we could deliver out, and had a steady foundtation, and a new Leadguitarist, Louis Valesques, were hired to finnish off the missing solos.
During spring 2020 the last leads were created and recorded and masteret in to the album, and the band was ready with their debut album.
They needed a title, and with everything that have happened from the begginning to the end, everyone agreed on “A series of Unfortunate Events” was a great name with an album who have had this much trouble beeing made.
Stefan Skjoedt got hired as graphic designer and made the artwork, and the band made a plan for promotion.
Shortly after, Mads contacted a person he had atteneded school with, Jérémie Protain who would join on bass. Jérémie were also the first person to book the early line-up for a headlining show were the band “Red Warszawa” warmed up.
In the fall of 2020, Tease The Demon went on a mini-tour with the old boys from same band, Red Warszawa.
In the end of the year, 24th of December, the band released “A series of Unfortunate Events” on most streaming services.

Band Salgstale: / Band pitch:

Under navnet ‘Tease The Demon’ lukker vi hårde, hurtige og melodiske toner ud i atmosfæren med en rasende attitude og tempo fra Thrash-metallen, dystre tunge toner fra Death-metal, og en lille snært af melodiske riff fra Power-metallen.
Alt dette kombineret giver en progressiv blanding der kunne friste djævlen.

I November 2019 indspillede vi vores Debut Album i Death Island Studios på Mors med Producer Marco Angioni. Album blev released 24 Dec, 2020.

Under the name ‘Tease The Demon’, we open up for hard, fast and melodic tones, into the atmosphere, with the angry attitude and thempo from Thrash-metal, the dark heavy tones from Death-metal, and a whiff of the melodic riffs from Power-metal.
All this combined, gives a progressive mixture that could tease the demon.

In November of 2019 we recorded our debut album in Death Island Studios on the island of Mors, Denmark, with the producer Marco Angioni. Released 24th of December, 2020.

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